Rathfriland Baptist Church
We sinners saved by grace and immersed into the likeness of Christ’s death and resurrection, do hereby unite in Church fellowship, so that as a holy brotherhood we may advocate the truth of God, proclaim the riches of His Sovereign mercy to the lost and perishing and by sympathy and counsel help one another in the Christ-like and Heavenward life.
We solemnly undertake, by the Spirit’s aid, to bear one another’s burdens and in the exercise of a tender hearted, tolerant, forgiving kindliness to avoid ungenerous criticism, recognising in each other fellow members of that mystical body of which our risen Saviour is the Head.
We seek to maintain in simplicity, purity of worship and communion.
Doctrinal Statement
While extending to all believers the fullest liberty if conscience we yet expect from all members an acceptance of the following doctrines of our faith, as understood in a simple straight forward and evangelical sense.
The Divine Verbal, inspiration of the Holy Scriptures as originally given, which are complete and final. 2 Timothy 3:16, Deuteronomy 4:2, 2 Peter 1:21.
The Godhead
The Godhead eternally exists in three persons - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. These three are one God, having the same nature, attributes and perfection: co-equal, co-eternal, sovereign and active in creation, providence and redemption. Romans 1:20, Matthew 28:19, Deuteronomy 4:35, John 17:5.
The Lord Jesus Christ
The Essential Deity, Perfect Humanity and Virgin Birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. John 1:1, John 1:14, John 10:30, Matthew 1:20, Luke 1:30-31, Philippians 2:5-7, 1 Timothy 3:16, Colossians 1:19.
The resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ
In the resurrection of the crucified body of Jesus Christ; that His body being dead was buried and He rose again the third day from the dead according to the Scriptures, and that He ascended into Heaven and sits on the right hand of God as the believer’s high priest and advocate. Luke 24:39, Acts 1:10-11, 1 Corinthians 15:3-4, Ephesians 4:10, Hebrews 1:3, 1 John 2:1.
The second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
In the personal return of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, that the coming again of Jesus Christ is the “Blessed Hope” set before us, for which we should be constantly looking. Our citizenship is in Heaven from whence we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ (Philippians 3:20). Acts 1:11, 1 Thessalonians 4:16,17, John 14:1-3, Titus 2:13, Philippians 3:20-21.
The Personality of the Holy Spirit.
In the Personality and Deity of the Holy Spirit, the source and power of all acceptable worship and service, the infallible interpreter of the infallible Word, who indwells every true believer, and is ever present to testify of Christ, seeking to occupy us with Him and not with ourselves or our experiences. John 15:26, Acts 5:3-4, Acts 1:8, Romans 8:26-27, 1 Corinthians 2:12,14, Romans 8:9, 1 Corinthians 3:16, 1 Corinthians 12:13, John 16:13-14.
The Personality of the Devil
In the reality and personality of Satan, “that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world. His final doom”(Revelation 12:9). Ephesians 6:11-12, 1 Peter 5:8, Revelation 20:10.
That man was created male and female in the image of God equal in value and complementary in role; as stated in the Word of God, but as a result of the first Adam’s disobedience of God’s command he lost direct fellowship with God; caused the whole human race to fall from Grace; be totally depraved; subject to God's wrath and condemnation; with personal responsibility to repent and believe the Gospel. Not only was his moral nature grievously injured by the fall but he totally lost all spiritual life, becoming dead in trespasses and sins, and subject to the power of the devil. “The carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. So then, they that are in the flesh cannot please God” (Romans 8:7-8). Therefore, he cannot see nor enter the kingdom of God until he is born again by the Holy Spirit. That no degree of reformation however great, no attainment in morality however high, no culture however attractive, no humanitarian and philanthropic schemes and societies however useful, no baptism or other ordinance however administered can help the sinner to take even one step toward Heaven; but a new nature imparted from above, a new life implanted by the Holy Spirit through the Word is absolutely essential to salvation. Genesis 1:26-27, Romans 5:12, Ephesians 2:1-3, John 3:3,6-7, Titus 3:5.
The substitutionary sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ.
That Jesus Christ alone became the sinner’s substitute before God, and died as a propitiatory sacrifice for the sins of the whole world. That He was made a curse for the sinner, dying for his sins according to the Scriptures that no repentance, no feeling, no faith, no good resolutions, no sincere efforts, no submission to the rules and regulations of any church can add in the very least to the value of Christ’s precious blood or to the merit of Christ’s finished work wrought for us by Him, who tasted death for every man. Romans 5:8, 1 John 2:2, Hebrews 2:9, Galatians 3:13, Romans 4:4-5, Romans 3:25, Colossians 1:13-14,20-21.
The justification of the sinner through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ alone.
That Christ in the fullness of the blessings He has secured by His death and resurrection is received by faith alone, and that the moment we trust in Him as our Saviour, by God's grace alone through faith alone in the Lord Jesus Christ alone, we pass out of death into everlasting life with eternal security, justified from all things, accepted before the Father according to the measure of His acceptance, loved as He is loved and made one with Him. At the time of acceptance of Christ as Saviour, He comes to dwell within the believer and to live out His life of holiness and power through him. Hebrews 9:15, John 5:24, Romans 3:28, Romans 4:3,23-25, Ephesians 1:3, John 17:23, Galatians 2:20, Galatians 4:6-7, Galatians 5:16, Acts 1:8.
The everlasting security of all saved souls.
Once a person has accepted Christ as Saviour they are saved once and for all.John 3:15-18; John 10:28-30; Romans 8:38-39; Ephesians 4:30; Jude 24
The conscious eternal punishment of all who die impenitent.
That the souls of the lost remain after death in hell until the final judgement of the great white throne, when soul and body re-united at the resurrection shall be cast “into the lake of fire” which is “the second death,” to be “punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of His power” (2 Thessalonians 1:8-9). Luke 16:22-23,27-28, Hebrews 9:27, Revelation 20:5,11-15, 2 Thessalonians 1:7-9.
The Ordinances
The obeying of the ordinances of Baptism and the Lord’s supper. Baptism of believers by immersion being the only Christian Baptism, and the Lord’s Supper being observed every first day of the week.
We welcome to the Lord’s Table all those who are saved by grace and are living consistent lives, but can only to membership those who have been baptised by immersion.
Matt 28:16-20, Acts 2:37-47, Rom 6:1-10, Acts 8:26-40, Mark 1:9-11; John 4:22-23; Acts 16:13-15; and 29-34; Col 2:9-15, Mark 14:22-26, Luke 22:19-20; Acts 2:42-47; 20:7-12, 1 Cor 10:14-22; 11:17-34.
Godly Living
That all believers in our Lord Jesus Christ are called into a life of separation from worldly and sinful practices, and should abstain from such amusements and habits as will cause themselves and others to be tempted and to stumble, or bring reproach upon the cross of Christ. Believers are created in Christ Jesus unto good works. “As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith” (Galatians 6:10). 1 John 2:15-16, Romans 14:13, Romans 13:14, 1 Corinthians 10:31, Ephesians 2:10.